What Do You Do If You Have Hammer Toe?

If you have hammertoes, one or both joints of the second, third, fourth, or fifth toes have an abnormal bending. They can be flexible at first and can be managed, but if left untreated, they can become more rigid and won’t be able to be fixed with nonsurgical treatments.

Hammertoes are caused by a muscle/tendon imbalance that leads to bending of the toes. They can be aggravated by shoes that don’t fit properly. Symptoms include: pain in the toes, corns and calluses, inflammation, and in severe cases, sores.


So what can you do?

 Here are some nonsurgical measures that you can take:

  • Change your shoes so that they aren’t too small or too high. Choose comfortable shoes with a roomy toe area and heels no higher than 2 inches.

  • Ask about padding for corns. If you decide to buy over-the-counter pads, avoid ones that have medication. These are not recommended due to the small amount of acid that can be harmful to your skin.

  • A custom orthotic device can be placed in your shoe. This will help control the muscle/tendon imbalance.

  • Oral nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs can help to reduce pain and inflammation.

At River Podiatry, our team is ready to serve and consult you on how to treat your hammertoe(s). Set up an appointment today to speak with our team of trusted foot health professionals.

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