Do you have gout?

Gout is a result of a build up of uric acid in the tissues or a joint, and it typically occurs in the big toe. Uric acid is present in your blood and eliminated in your urine, but if you have gout, the acid will accumulate and crystallize in your joints. Some people can develop gout because their kidneys have difficulty eliminating a normal amount of uric acid, or they might produce too much.

Because uric acid is sensitive to temperature changes, gout usually occurs in the big toe. Since the big toe is furthest from the heart, it is the coolest part of the body thus making it easy for uric acid to turn into crystals. If you have the following conditions, you are at a higher risk of developing gout: diabetes, obesity, surgery, chemotherapy, and high blood pressure. Also, if you consume foods and beverages that have high levels of purines, this can trigger a gout attack. Foods/beverages such as: organ meats, shellfish, red wine, beer, and red meat.

So what are the symptoms?

You’ll know you’re developing an attack of gout if you:

  • Feel an intense pain in the middle of the night or right in the morning when you wake up

  • See signs of inflammation like swelling or redness over the joint

At River Podiatry, our team is ready to serve and consult in order you on how to treat your gout. Set up an appointment today to speak with our team of trusted foot health professionals.

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