Foot Odor


What is it?

Foot order is a personal and sensitive subject and can often be a real problem. For many, it is common to ignore the condition or accept the problem. However, it is a condition is very treatable. Professional care is available to treat the cause and effects of foot odor. In the majority of cases, a successful resolution of the problem is readily attainable.

Foot odor is a result of excessive perspiration. For many, the hands and feet are frequent sites of pooling with resultant wet areas and occasional skin discoloration. Thus, our first option in treating foot odor is to effectively reduce or minimize excessive perspiration. An attempt is made to limit the use of nylon stockings and socks which traditionally promote perspiration. Shoes should be changed frequently and prioritizing the use of breathable leathers over more occlusive synthetic shoe materials is encouraged. Topical applications, soaks, and occasional oral medications also reduce the output of perspiration.

The most important contributing factor of foot odor is the chemical make-up of perspiration itself. Therefore, dietary intake modifications are essential in order to affect the end result. Foods such as garlic, onions and other higher spiced foods must be greatly reduced until the condition is well under control.

It is important to keep in mind that an offensive foot odor is a treatable condition and can be remedied once the cause is identified.