Diabetic Feet


What is it?

Diabetes is a disorder that affects many people. Diabetes mellitus is a condition where the body is unable to transport sugar from the blood to the cells. People who suffer from this disease cannot produce or use insulin, which is necessary to keep the sugar under control. Many diabetics will often complain of constantly being thirsty, hungry, and frequently having to urinate. Diabetic patients often have problems with their circulation, which can result in foot pain and problems.

If this disease is not identified and goes untreated, it can also affect your kidneys, eyes, sense of feeling in your feet and the circulation to the foot, leading to severe health issues and occasionally death.

What causes it?

Diabetes can be caused by a number of factors. If there is a family history of diabetes, one's chances of developing this disorder significantly increases. Overweight people are also at risk as the body is in a constant battle with the elevated sugar. As one ages, a certain type of diabetes (type II non-insulin dependent) becomes prevalent. On the other hand, type I diabetes (insulin dependent), is more prevalent in youths. African Americans and Hispanics are also more susceptible to this disease.

How is it treated?

Diabetes mellitus can be effectively treated with patient cooperation and compliance. The patient must understand that this disease can be severe and that a strict diet and consistent use of suggested medication is necessary to keep it under control. Some patients may need to inject insulin while others may need to take various oral medications. Careful daily monitoring of one's blood sugar is essential as it will provide the patient and doctor an idea of how well the sugar is controlled. Periodic trips to your foot doctor are also needed. Many diabetics have foot problems and if regular monitoring is not followed, subsequent complications can occur. Active ongoing patient participation is an essential aspect in the clinical management of this disease.

How to provide Diabetic Periodic Care

It is essential to thoroughly evaluate and periodically manage a diabetic patient. We know that diabetics can specifically have impaired circulation, reduced sensation, and a greater tendency to develop infections, ulcerations and other skin problems. Early detection, periodic monitoring, and judicious care are essential to prevent and manage diabetic complications. Since the lower legs and feet are primary locations for these problems to occur, professional care and supervision can be highly effective in minimizing the complication tendencies of patients with diabetes. 

Periodic care for these patients can range from a simple examination of one's feet to more involved treatments of such problems as diabetic arthropathy (diabetic arthritis), peripheral neuropathy (loss of feeling), vascular complications, and ulcerations. A podiatrist will examine the feet to ensure that there is adequate blood supply and sensation (feeling) to the feet. A decrease or loss in one or both feet can lead to infection and potentially more serious problems. In many cases, a podiatrist will involve other medical specialists in order to take a collective approach in managing the existing diabetic problems. 

Many diabetics are seen by their foot specialists on a periodic basis for general foot care. It is important to keep the nails properly trimmed to avoid ingrown nails and infection. This is important as most diabetics are unable to fight infections as well as people without diabetes. It is important to reduce the calluses to relieve pressure over the bony prominences of the feet. If there is too much callus build-up, the skin may break down and lead to an ulceration. An ulceration can become infected and possibly lead to more serious consequences requiring more involved care.