How Do You Know When You Need New Shoes?


For everyday shoes, you should be rotating 2 to 3 pairs of shoes every week. Here are some signs to look out for to know when you need a new pair:

  • Soles are worn out

  • The inside of the heel and tow are worn out

  • The cushioning feels flat inside

For running or athletic shoes, check your shoes as well as your feet to know when it’s time for a new pair. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you have new aches in your ankles, knees, or hips after running?

  • Do you notice soreness on the bottoms of your feet and arches?

  • Are you getting blisters all of a sudden?

  • Are the treads on your shoes getting worn out?

Just like tires, are the treads are worn out? The treads on your shoes are an important part of their anatomy. If they're worn out, your shoes won't roll in sync with the natural stride of your feet. With both everyday shoes and running shoes, keep an eye on how they look and how they make you feel, this will be your best indication on when to get new shoes. Click the link to set up an appointment to speak with our team of trusted foot health professionals.

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