What Is A Bunionette?

A bunionette is a small bunion that forms on the fifth metatarsal bone at the base of the little toe. It is also known as a Tailor’s bunion and got its name from when tailors used to sit cross-legged all day with the outside edge of their feet pressing on the ground for a long period of time.

So how do they develop now?

Bunionette’s develop when the little toe moves inwards and the shift creates a little bump on the outside of the foot. This part then gets irritated whenever the inside of your shoe presses against it.


What can you do if you have a bunionette?

Treatments for this condition start with nonsurgical solutions.

  • Use a bunionette pad over the area

  • Change your shoes so that they are not so tight and high

  • Use an ice pack to reduce the pain and inflammation

  • Look into custom orthotic devices

 At River Podiatry, our team is ready to serve and consult you on your bunions and bunionettes. Set up an appointment today to speak with our team of trusted foot health professionals.

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