How to protect your child from Future Foot Problems

Inspecting your children’s feet regularly can help to avoid foot and gait-related complications down the road. Here are some of the most common foot injuries that children sustain:

  1. Flat feet / pediatric flatfoot: This is one of the most common foot injuries found in toddlers and children. Typically in infants and children, the arch is not developed before they learn to walk. Although children with flat feet may have no painful symptoms, they often will find it difficult to perform physical activities. Oftentimes, the way in which children run or walk can even be considered awkward. In some cases, children and infants may start experiencing foot pain or cramping in the lower legs - specifically the feet and ankles. It is important for parents/guardians to stay on top of their children’s foot issues as this pain is often misdiagnosed as growing pains.

  2. Plantar warts: common in children and adolescents, this foot issue is caused by the human papilloma virus. It is common for children as the virus can be contracted in public areas such as a swimming pool, or gym locker room at a school or community center. Although these warts can appear anywhere on the foot, they typically appear on the bottom. As a parent, it is important to explore the many different treatment options

  3. Sever’s Disease: also known as Calcaneal Apophysitis, this is when the heel’s growth plate becomes inflamed. Sever’s disease causes intense heel pain with increased activities and generally impacts children between the ages of 8-14. This is because their heel bone is not yet fully developed and is under repetitive stress. This condition can typically be managed by improving foot alignment and reducing pressure and tension to the heel bone through proper footwear and/or orthotics.

In the event that you feel your child may be experiencing some of these issues, we would recommend setting up an appointment with our team. Click here to set up an appointment at River Podiatry.  

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