Ankle Sprain


what is is?

Ankle sprains are one of the most common conditions we treat in our office. Ankle sprains can be caused by taking a wrong step, walking on uneven ground or athletic activity. An ankle sprain is a type of injury involving some degree of ligamentous trauma (over stretching, partial rupture, or total tear). Along with this ligament injury is some level of ankle joint instability, which can become an invitation for future re-injury and weakness. Ankle sprains usually involve either the inside or outside aspects of the ankle. The outer variety being the more prevalent due to its weaker structures and greater tendency for injury. The typical presentation of an ankle injury is acute pain, swelling, bluish-black bruising or discoloration, loss of motion and one’s inability to weight bear without discomfort. A thorough examination by a foot specialist is recommended to rule out other problems such as fractures, tendon ruptures, and dislocations.

what causes it?

The actual cause of an ankle sprain is trauma that creates excessive strain, stretching or tension on the inherent ligamentous structures resulting in subsequent injuries and disability. In most cases a ligament is over stretched, partially tears or totally ruptures. Pain is the unmistakable common denominator with simple weight bearing often unbearable. Severe instability when attempting to put weight on the injured foot usually means a more serious injury. A trained specialist will be able to largely assess the degree of injury, the probable mechanism of injury, and the chances for partial to total recovery.

How is it treated?

Ankle sprains treatment largely depends on how soon the injury is seen. If an ankle injury is recent and seen within hours to a few days of the trauma, our first line of treatment should be to assess the degree of injury and reduce the soft tissue swelling. Immobilizing the injury site is used to limit unnecessary motion along with rest, elevation, ice and compression should reduce the pain. Physical therapy and rehabilitation are then used to reestablish ankle joint stability and strength. Orthotics are also used to provide supports to the foot and ankle and reduce any allowable abnormal range of motion. Surgery is occasionally used to strengthen the ankle joint ligaments in those cases involving chronic instability and a frequent history of sprains